Parenting – Discipline

Sunday Morning Bible Study

December 13, 1998


Again, I’m a little concerned about this series, partly because I don’t want you to think that I even have a clue to what parenting is all about.

Dr. Dobson writes, "When I think of parents today, I'm reminded of a photograph of an elegantly dressed woman who is holding a cup of coffee. Her little finger is cocked ever so daintily to the side, and her face reveals utter self-confidence. Unfortunately, this woman does not yet know that her slip has collapsed around her feet. The caption reads, "Confidence is what you have before you understand the situation." Indeed!"

When it comes to parenting, I’m not real confident in my abilities, mostly because I’m finding out that there are no formulas, no instant answers to all the problems.

There can be lots of different ways to approach parenting, not all of them are good.

Illustration - The sheriff's office in a Texas city once distributed a list of rules titled "How to Raise a Juvenile Delinquent in Your Own Family":

1. Begin with infancy to give the child everything he wants. This will insure his believing that the world owes him a living.

2. Pick up everything he leaves lying around. This will teach him he can always throw off responsibility on others.

3. Take his part against neighbors, teachers, policemen. They are all prejudiced against your child. He is a "free spirit" and never wrong.

4. Finally, prepare yourself for a life of grief. You're going to have it.

--James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) p. 194.


Among the legends is the tale of a medieval construction supervisor who asked three stone masons on a construction project what they were doing. The first replied that he was laying bricks. The second described his work as that of building a wall. But it was the third laborer who demonstrated genuine esteem for his work when he said, "I am raising a great cathedral."

Pose that same question to any two parents concerning their role in the family, and you are liable to get the same kind of contrast. The first may say, "I am supporting a family." But the second may see things differently and say, "I am raising children." The former looks at his job as putting bread on the table. But the latter sees things in God's perspective: he is participating in the shaping of lives.

-- Gordon MacDonald, The Effective Father

This week, we’re going to take a look at the topic of


(Eph 6:4 NASB) And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

(Prov 19:18 NASB) Discipline your son while there is hope, And do not desire his death.

Chinese Proverb – "Parents who are afraid to put their foot down usually have children who step on their toes."

Dr. Dobson – "The parent must convince himself that discipline is not something he does to the child; it is something he does for the child."


Susannah Wesley spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters with him or her. No wonder two of her sons, Charles and John, were used of God to bring blessing to all of England and much of America.

Here are a few rules she followed in training her children:

1. Subdue self-will in a child and thus work together with God to save his soul.

2. Teach him to pray as soon as he can speak.

3. Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely.

4. To prevent lying, punish no fault which is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unnoticed.

5. Commend and reward good behavior.

6. Strictly observe all promises you have made to your child.

Ingredients of Good Discipline

1. Absence of anger

I think that one of the most difficult hindrances to healthy discipline is our own anger.


In a department store a young husband was minding the baby while his wife was making a purchase. The infant was wailing, but the father seemed quite unperturbed as he quietly said, "Easy now, Albert," he murmured, "keep your temper." A woman passing by remarked, "I must congratulate you! You seem to know just how to speak to a baby." "Baby nothing!" came the reply. "MY name is Albert!"

(Col 3:20-21 KJV) Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. {21} Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

Though there are many ways to "provoke" our children to anger, I believe the strongest way is when we discipline them in anger.

(Prov 15:1 KJV) A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

When our discipline comes out of anger instead of love, we end up driving our children away.


While serving as governor of Tennessee (he has since served as secretary of education under President Bush) and living in the governor's mansion, Lamar Alexander's antennas picked up a subtle clue from his children. In his book, Six Months Off, he tells how he noticed that over a period of time, his children were turning their chairs more and more toward their mother's end of the dinner table. He discerned from this clue that he had lost touch with his children. When he finished his second term in the governor's office, he took six months off and took the whole family to Australia. His purpose was to turn those chairs back a little bit toward his end of the table.

-- Dr. Paul Faulkner, Achieving Success Without Failing Your Family, (Howard Publishing, 1994), p. 139.

Another result of disciplining from anger is that we end up encouraging our children to lie to us.

Alfred Adler (1870–1937) wrote, "Whenever a child lies, you will always find a severe parent. A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt to be dangerous."

2. Action

I think one of the next greatest hindrances to healthy discipline is our tendency to do nothing. When you don’t do anything, it only causes confusion and makes things worse. It can almost seem as if the child were the one in control.

The Duke of Windsor (1894-1972) said, "The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children."

We see this several times in the Bible where a parent was aware of the sin of their children, but chose to do nothing.

When Jacob heard that his daughter Dinah had been raped (Gen.34), he didn’t do anything about it. So his sons decided that they would take matters into their own hand, and ended up massacring an entire city in revenge.

When David heard that his son Amnon had raped his own half-sister Tamar (2Sam.13), David at least got angry. But he didn’t do anything about it. As a result, Tamar’s brother, Absalom, plotted and killed Amnon in revenge.

Just do something.


A professor of psychology had no children of his own, but whenever he saw a neighbor scolding a child for some wrongdoing, he would say, "You should love your boy, not punish him." One hot summer afternoon the professor was doing some repair work on a concrete driveway leading to his garage. Tired out after several hours of work, he laid down the towel, wiped the perspiration from his forehead, and started toward the house. Just then out of the corner of his eye he saw a mischievous little boy putting his foot into the fresh cement. He rushed over, grabbed him, and was about to spank him severely when a neighbor leaned from a window and said, "Watch it, Professor! Don't you remember? You must 'love' the child!" At this, he yelled back furiously, "I do love him in the abstract but not in the concrete!"

Actually, our attitude should be:

"I love you too much to let you behave like that." (James C. Dobson)

I will tell my boys something like, "I love you so much and I don’t want you growing up to be a boy who always hurts others and no one likes. That’s why you can’t keep acting like this."

3. Instruction

The goal of discipline is instruction, not punishment.

(Deu 4:36 NASB) "Out of the heavens He let you hear His voice to discipline you …

(Deu 4:36 KJV) Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee …

Even the very words in the Bible that are often translated "discipline" carry the idea not only of "chastening" (which is like spanking), but the idea of instruction as well (as in the Hebrew yacar, or the Greek paideuo).

Too often our discipline is far from instructing when we say things like:

1. Do as I say, not as I do.

2. I'm the adult. I'm right.

3. Because I said so, that's why.

4. You want to be what?

5. This room's a pig sty.

6. Can't you do anything right?

7. Where did you find him?

8. You did what?

9. Do you mind if we talk about something else?

10. I'm kind of busy right now. Could you come back later?

-- Jay Kesler, Ten Mistakes Parents Make with Teenagers And How To Avoid Them, Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers, Inc., 1988.

When God disciplines us, it’s for the purpose of us learning something.

(Heb 12:11 NASB) All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

If you’ve been under God’s discipline, be sure you learn your lessons quickly! The result is peace.

How do I instruct my children with discipline?

1. Take time to clearly tell the child what was wrong with their behavior. Sometimes it even seems appropriate to use a Bible verse that fits the situation. Don’t just spank them with a paddle and think you’re done.

2. See if the child can tell you clearly what was wrong with their behavior. I don’t want to be one of those parents whose children don’t have a clue why they’re being punished. I know I’m not complete in my discipline if my children can’t tell me why they’re being disciplined.

4. Appropriateness

One of the most difficult things about discipline is finding the appropriate response to fit the situation.


Ruth Graham (in Homemade, Vol. 16, No. 11, November 1992) writes, "With our five children I had to decide what was a moral issue and what was non-moral and simply a part of growing up. Tracking mud into the house is a no-no, but it's not a moral issue. Children tend to be noisy when they're playing, and you feel like saying, "Hush!" -- but it's not a moral issue. However, I would call disobedience a moral issue. I would call respect a moral issue. Of course, stealing and lying are moral issues."

a. Sometimes spanking is the proper response.

(Prov 23:13-14 NLT) Don't fail to correct your children. They won't die if you spank them. {14} Physical discipline may well save them from death.

(Prov 22:15 NASB) Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of discipline will remove it far from him.

When one of my children responds to a situation with total rebellion and malice, this verse comes to mind. So does the paddle. My personal theory is that you need to catch "foolishness" early. It’s going to be more difficult if you don’t deal with it until they’re teenagers.

Tips on spanking:

1. How old should a child be when you start spanking? Old enough to understand what’s going on and why they’re being spanked. If they’re not old enough to tell you why they’re being spanked, they’re not old enough to be spanked. A three month old baby doesn’t know why it’s being spanked. A two year old has the capacity to understand.

2. How old is too old for spanking? I’m sure it probably depends on the child, but I have a friend who occasionally had to spank his teenager sons, even though they got to be as big as he was. And the spanking was effective.

3. A paddle is better than the hand. If you spank with your hand too much, then your hand becomes something the child is afraid of instead of something that they look forward to. If you use a paddle, keep it in a special "paddle place", and out of sight. It shouldn’t be out in the open like some kind of constant threat. Yet often all we have to do is to start walking towards the place the paddle is kept, and the child gets the message.

4. Never use the paddle when you’re angry. There have been times when I’ve grabbed the paddle when I’m angry, but what I’ll do is just whack myself on the leg to make a loud noise (boy does that hurt!). If you can’t control yourself when you’re angry, don’t attempt to discipline your children until you calm down. Try listening to yourself. Are you yelling? Then slow down. Never open the door to abuse. Never hit anything but their bottom with a paddle. The paddle is a tool for instruction, not a weapon for punishment.

5. How often do I spank my children? I find I’m spanking them less and less. There have been times when a child has been spanked once or twice in a week, but it seems to me that the more consistent we become in discipline, the less spanking they need. If they clearly know where the lines are, they tend to cross them less often. I don’t think I’ve had to use the paddle more than a couple of times this last year.

b. Spanking isn’t the only answer

There are other negative punishments like "time outs" or taking away privileges. In the Old Testament, there was more than one type of punishment for crime.


A mother and father decided to use psychology in raising their children. For example, at bedtime they would say to the children, "Would you like to take your doll to bed or your teddy bear to bed?" You see, the beauty of this is that in either case the child is choosing to go to bed. But the whole system collapsed when the three- year-old, who was never allowed to go out after supper, said to her parents one evening, "Do you want me to go out the back door or should I go out the front?"

Sometimes our children can learn a whole lot more if we focus on the giving them encouragement for doing good things instead of always focusing on the negative.


Rod Cooper said this, ("The Kiss of Encouragement," Preaching Today, Tape No. 141.) "I'm strong on this quality [of encouragement] because someone got excited about my progress. I almost flunked the first grade. I was a terrible reader. We had three reading groups in my school. The highest group happened to be the Owls. They were in the trees above everybody else. The next group happened to be the Giraffes--head and shoulders above the rest of us. I was in the third group, the Humpty Dumptys. We were on the wall, off the wall, in the wall, and out! We just couldn't get it together. We struggled. My mom saw me coming home discouraged and down every day."

"She started reading with me every night. I came home one day with a C on one of my papers, and I gave it to her. She smiled and started to cry. She said, "Oh, Rodney, I'm so proud of you." She made my favorite dinner and let me stay up late. I'm thinking, Gee, if this is what a C will do! What do you think that did for me? It spurred me on to want to do the best. That's what encouragement does. It makes you want to move on when you feel like quitting."

"I didn't make it to the Owls. I got to the Giraffes, and I got out of first grade. Here I am. Today my mom introduces me, "This is my son." She'll put her arm around me, "This is my son, Doctor Cooper." Then she'll look at me and wink just to remind me from where I've come."

c. Don’t embarrass them

(Deu 25:2-3 NLT) If the person in the wrong is sentenced to be flogged, the judge will command him to lie down and be beaten in his presence with the number of lashes appropriate to the crime. {3} No more than forty lashes may ever be given; more than forty lashes would publicly humiliate your neighbor.

(Eph 6:4 NASB) And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

I think that sometimes we get so intent on disciplining our kids that we don’t realize we’re humiliating them before others at the same time.

When a serious thing occurs, take the child away from the public view. If you’re in a restaurant, take them to the car. If you’re at the dinner table, take them into their bedroom. Don’t let the other children watch. This can’t always be done, but I think it needs to be a part of our discipline.

d. Apologies and restitution

If another person was harmed, then the child needs to apologize. If something was broken or stolen, it needs to be fixed or returned.

I think that I’m very blessed to have three incredible boys that get along so well with each other. But we have had to work at it. We are trying to teach our boys that they aren’t allowed to stay angry with their brother. Hurts are to be forgiven.

(Eph 4:31-32 NLT) Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. {32} Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

e. Sometimes grace is enough

Occasionally, a child will do something that is really, really bad, and amazingly enough, they will also be struck with the fact that they did a horrible thing.

I’ll take the paddle and take the child into their bedroom, lay the paddle gently against their bottom and say, "Today you get grace".

I don’t think it’s a bad idea that from time to time we not only teach our children the consequences of their bad behavior, but we also teach them grace. Getting what you don’t deserve.

5. Love & Forgiveness

Try to never allow it to end on a sour note. Your child needs to know that you are disciplining out of love, not out of anger.

Whether we realize it or not, when God disciplines us, He ALWAYS disciplines us because of His love for us.

(Rev 3:19 NASB) 'Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore, and repent.


In an article in Moody Monthly, Craig Massey told about being in a restaurant when he heard an angry father say to his 7-year-old son, "What good are you?" The boy, who had just spilled his milk, put his head down and said, "Nothing." Years later, Massey said he was disgusted with his own son for a minor infraction. He heard himself ask what he called "the cruelest question a father can ask." He said, "What are you good for anyway?" His son replied, "Nothing." Immediately he regretted the question. As he thought about this, he realized that the question was all right but the answer was wrong. A few days later when his son committed another minor offense, he asked, "What are you good for?" But before his son could reply he hugged him and kissed him and said, "I'll tell you what you're good for. You're good for loving!" Before long, whenever he asked the question, his son would say, "I'm good for loving." Parents, be careful of what you say.

Our kids need to know that we’re going to forgive them, and that we do forgive them.


Ernest Hemingway wrote a story about a father and his teenage son. In the story, the relationship had become somewhat strained, and the teenage son ran away from home. His father began a journey in search of that rebellious son.

Finally, in Madrid, Spain, in a last desperate attempt to find the boy, the father put an ad in the local newspaper. The ad read: "Dear Paco, Meet me in front of the newspaper office at noon. All is forgiven. I love you. Your father." The next day, in front of the newspaper office, eight hundred Pacos showed up. They were all seeking forgiveness. They were all seeking the love of their father.

-- George Munzing, "Living a Life of Integrity," Preaching Today, Tape No. 32.

You have a Father in heaven who offers you forgiveness as well. Are you looking for His forgiveness?