Bible Study Preparation

Using the Computer

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

February 9, 2000


Share lessons from Isaiah 46. What’s your "lesson"? What is your "support"? What is your "illustration".

Next week: Same thing. Study Isaiah 47. Find a "lesson". Support it with Scripture. Illustrate it. Perhaps try typing your homework on the computer?

Editing your message

What do you include / what do you exclude?

Learn to judge how long your message will be by the length of your notes. Or else practice the message.

The value of learning to end on time – it’s an important skill. Don’t fall into the trap of saying "Well, the Spirit was leading me so strongly, I just couldn’t end the message". The real issue is that you are not prepared.

It’s important to look at it as if one of the resources you have to deal with is people’s time. How are you going to use their time? Can they trust you with their time? If you have only so many minutes of their time, then you need to make decisions of how you’re going to fill it.

The Computer: Microsoft Word


You may need to learn to type. Try using a typing "tutor".

It will take time mastering the program. It’s worth learning some of the features of your word processor. If you prepare studies regularly, the time you save will be great.

The value of the word processor

Readability of your notes / legibility / size of letters

Making changes and still being able to read your notes

Moving things around in your notes –

Common Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Direction Key = Moving the cursor around

Ctrl + Shift + Direction Key = Highlighting text

Alt + Shift + Direction Key = Moving paragraphs around

Ctrl C, X, V – Copy, Cut, Paste

Ctrl + Spacebar = remove formatting

Ctrl + B = Bold

Ctrl + I = Italic

Ctrl + U = Underline

Ctrl + Z = Undo

Alt + Tab = Switch to next open program

Copying in Bible Verses / other text. If you don’t have everyone look up a verse, you can just read it from your notes.

Being able to search your notes with a search program

Having a filing system

Renaming "My Documents" to "0_data" or "0 My Documents". Warn the other users before you do this!

Using Subdirectories, including "Bstudy", my system of book order – (01Gen, 02Exo, 03Num, Topical, etc.)

Macros /

Copy the "" file into the directory called c:\program files\microsoft office\templates

How macros are recorded. Tools / Macros / Record / Keyboard / Come up with a keystroke combination that isn’t being used.

Then perform the function you want the macro to reproduce, then click on "stop recording".

Some of the Macros –

"Lesson" – "Alt + L"

Types the word "Lesson", formats the text

"Illustration" – "Alt + I"

Types the word "Illustration", formats it.

"Bible Verse" – "Alt + V"

Pastes a verse that has already been copied to the clipboard, formats it.

"Basic Paragraph Format" – "Alt + S"

Pastes text from the clipboard, formats it to be a "Heading 3" paragraph

"Paste Definition" = "Alt + D"

Pastes a "definition" from Online Bible (which has been copied into clipboard using "Copy Window" command) and formats it.


Setting up a "Bible Study" template folder

c:\program files\microsoft office\templates\Bible Study

Copy the other ".dot" files into the folder

Making your own templates / editing. Save them as "document templates".

Starting a new file with a template

File / New / Click on Bible Study tab and then select template.

Changing the "Properties" – Title, Date, etc. – important for headers

Learning how to use paragraph styles / editing the styles

Outline method

Using the "Online View"

Promoting/demoting paragraphs, moving them around

If you have trouble with promoting/demoting, be sure to check to see if the paragraph style is correct (It should be "Heading 1" through "Heading 9")

Importing text

Importing a file

Insert / File – then find the file.

Importing from clipboard, formatting the text.

Edit / Paste (or, Ctrl – V).

Format by either applying the "paragraph style" or macro (Alt-S)

Importing Bible verses

Opening up multiple programs at a time. Copy and paste from clipboard.

Importing illustration files.

Next Week:

Online Bible

In Two Weeks

Other Resources

Bible Atlas

Bible Illustrator




E-mail Illustration sources

Master Christian Library

Search programs / Search 32