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Proverbs 29

Sunday Morning Bible Study

April 22, 2018


Do people see Jesus? Is the gospel preached? Does it address the person who is: Empty, lonely, guilty, or afraid to die? Does it speak to the broken hearted? Does it build up the church? Milk – Meat – Manna Preach for a decision Is the church loved? Regular: 2900 words Communion: 2500 words Video=75wpm


Bellers –

Kim and the kids are back on May 24, and we’d like their house to be ready to go
Items needed
Kitchen table & 6 chairs
4 twin bedframes
1 king bedframe
3 floor lights
Vacuum cleaner
Coffee pot
Can opener
Pantry items

Coordinate with Lisa or Daniel if you want to donate any items

Money – “Beller Fund”

For 6 new mattresses

For vehicles

The book of Proverbs is all about wisdom.

Wisdom is not about knowing facts.

Wisdom is about knowing what to do with what you know.
Wisdom is knowing when to do it.
Wisdom is knowing how to do it.

Proverbs are sayings, typically short, that give wisdom and insight into everyday things.

They are intended to help you lead a better life.

They are not absolute promises, as in “if you do x,y, then z will always happen and your life will be perfect”.

They are general principles – that if you do them your life will be generally better than if you didn’t do them.

I want to encourage you to have a pencil or pen ready as we work through each chapter.

Though we will read the entire chapter, I won’t be taking time to unpack every single proverb.

God may want to use one of the proverbs that we simply pass over to speak to you, so be ready to mark up your Bible or write down a verse.

It’s going to be a little like drinking from a fire hydrant.

The Proverbs are Hebrew poetry…

Hebrew poetry is about ideas, not sounds.

Most of these proverbs are in two lines.

Sometimes the second line is a parallel of the first. It expresses the same idea with different words.
Sometimes the second line is an opposite idea, still clarifying the first, but by way of contrast.
Be careful that you don’t look at one phrase without looking at the other.

We are now in a section of that dates to 250 years after Solomon. King Hezekiah had a group of scholars collect an additional group of 100 of Solomon’s proverbs.

Proverbs 29:1-22

:1 He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

:1 He who is often rebuked

reprovedtowkechah – rebuke, correction, reproof, punishment, chastisement

hardensqashah – (Hiphil) to make difficult, make difficulty; to make severe, make burdensome; to make hard, make stiff, make stubborn

This is the same word used to describe people who are “stiffnecked”.


Too Many Warnings

The description of a person being “stiffnecked” is used to describe a person who doesn’t want to listen to others, a person who is stubborn.
Glass Eye
There was this guy who owned a very fast motorcycle. His friends would always tell him, that because he only had one good eye (the other being a glass eye) that if he didn’t slow down when he rides his motorcycle, he would someday be involved in a serious accident. But the friends’ warnings were to no avail. One day he did get into a terrible accident out on a lonely, rarely used stretch of highway. The driver and his passenger were both eye doctors. There was no one around when the accident happened. So one turned to the other and said, “He just seems to be knocked out cold.” They checked the biker over and he seemed all right, except he had excessive damage to his eye. The driver then said to his friend, “Why don’t we take him to our eye clinic, fix his eye, and then put him and the motorcycle back where the accident happened. We’ll put him near to a tree, so that no one will think that anyone else was involved in the accident.” So they did just that. The next day, the local newspaper reported the accident. The headline read, “Mysterious Auto Accident Involving Biker with Two Glass Eyes.”
At some point you can only be warned so many times about a legitimate problem before everything comes crashing down.
(Proverbs 29:1 The Message) For people who hate discipline and only get more stubborn, There’ll come a day when life tumbles in and they break, but by then it’ll be too late to help them.
The prophet Jeremiah recorded God’s ideas when he wrote,
(Jeremiah 11:7–8 NKJV) —7 For I earnestly exhorted your fathers in the day I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, until this day, rising early and exhorting, saying, “Obey My voice.” 8 Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart; therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but which they have not done.’ ”

It would be in Jeremiah’s lifetime that the prophesied judgment would come and Jerusalem would be destroyed.

Because the people continued to refuse to listen to God’s warnings, Jeremiah wrote,
(Jeremiah 19:15 NKJV) “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear My words.’ ”
The warnings we ignore might be warnings about our …

Don’t ignore legitimate warnings.

The ultimate warning you don’t want to ignore is that of turning from your sin and turning to Jesus.
(Isaiah 45:22 NKJV) “Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.

:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

:2 when a wicked man rules

I don’t like to get political.

When pastors get too political, people get polarized over the wrong things.
A political pollster knocked on the door and a sour-faced lady answered. “What party does your husband belong to?” he asked. The lady responded curtly, “I sir, am the party he belongs to.”

Frankly, as Christians, Jesus ought to be the party we belong to.

I don’t want a person who doesn’t know Jesus to stop listening to the gospel because my politics might not line up exactly with their politics.

And yet… there are times when believers need to speak up and voice their concerns.

There’s a bill running through our State Capitol that is being pushed through by folks who have a “wicked” agenda.
AB 2943 will make it illegal (click on the link if you want to send a message to your representative) for a person such as myself to suggest that a person who identifies as homosexual or transgender could or should change their sexual orientation.

Even if the Bible says that these things are wrong.

:3 Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth.

(Proverbs 29:3 HCSB) A man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father, but one who consorts with prostitutes destroys his wealth.

:4 The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.

(Proverbs 29:4 HCSB) By justice a king brings stability to a land, but a man who demands “contributions” demolishes it.

:4 he who receives bribes overthrows it

bribesteruwmah – contribution, offering



We can become jaded to think that all politicians are corrupt.
The Test
An older couple had a son, who was still living with them. The parents were a little worried, because the son couldn’t decide about his future career. So they decided to do a small test.
They put a note on the front hall table saying that they had gone out.
Next to the note they put a ten-dollar bill, a Bible, and a bottle of whiskey. Then they hid, pretending they were not at home. The father told his wife, “If our son takes the money, he will be a businessman, if he takes the Bible, he will be a pastor, but if he takes the bottle of whiskey, I’m afraid our son will be a no-good drunkard.”
The parents hid in the nearby closet and waited nervously. Peeping through the keyhole they saw their son arrive. The son read the note that they had left. Then he took the ten-dollar bill, looked at it against the light, and slid it in his pocket. After that, he took the Bible, flipped through it, and put it under his arm. Finally, he grabbed the bottle, opened it, and took an appreciative whiff to be assured of the quality. Then he left for his room, carrying all three items.
The father slapped his forehead and said: “This is worse than I could ever have imagined!” “What?!” asked the wife. “Our son is going to be a politician!”

Regarding government officials.

If a government official requires that you give him a bribe to do something, then real “justice” will be ignored.
His decisions will be based on the highest bidder, not what’s right and wrong.

Relating to us

We can sometimes do the very same thing.
Sometimes we make a choice simply based on what we’ll get out of it, regardless of whether or not it’s the right thing to do.

:5 A man who flatters his neighbor Spreads a net for his feet.

(Proverbs 29:5 The Message) A flattering neighbor is up to no good; he’s probably planning to take advantage of you.

It’s kind of nice when someone says something flattering to you.

Just keep in mind that unless you know this person real well, there’s that possibility that they are setting you up for something you might not want to do.

:6 By transgression an evil man is snared, But the righteous sings and rejoices.

:6 By transgression an evil man is snared

snaredmowqesh – bait, lure, snare

(Proverbs 29:6 NLT) Evil people are trapped by sin, but the righteous escape, shouting for joy.


The Way Out

Life is much happier when you simply do what is right.
Jesus said,
(John 8:34–36 NLT) —34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. 35 A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

Jesus gives us the ability to not be “trapped” by sin.

We believers still have a sin nature, but we now have the freedom to be able to break free from sin’s grasp.

Do you believe this?
If you are a believer and you are caught in the addiction to your sin, there is a way out.
The problem isn’t that Jesus doesn’t work, the problem is that you need to learn the steps to take to find your way out of the dark room of your sin.

The first step starts with recognizing that by yourself, you are powerless over you sin.  You can’t do it by yourself. You need help.

The second step is recognizing that there is a power higher than you, that power is able to help you, and that power is named Jesus Christ.

But wait … there’s more.  Yes, there are a few more  steps.  But my point is that there is a way out.

Come to the James Gang Sunday nights.

Jesus said,

(John 8:32 NLT) And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When you find your way out of that dark bondage of sin, there is truly singing and rejoicing.

:7 The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge.

(Proverbs 29:7 The Message) The good-hearted understand what it’s like to be poor; the hardhearted haven’t the faintest idea.

:8 Scoffers set a city aflame, But wise men turn away wrath.

aflamepuwach – to breathe, blow; to excite, inflame

wrath‘aph – nostril, nose, face; anger

:8 Scoffers set a city aflame

Some friends in New York were at a Greek restaurant where three waiters decided to put on a show with a fried cheese dish that they flambee at tableside.

Video:  Flaming Dish gives mouthwatering a new meaning

Scofferslatsown – scorning; talk arrogantly; to mock, deride

There are folks who are good at speaking arrogantly and stirring up trouble whether it’s political, social, moral, or religious.
(Proverbs 29:8 The Message) A gang of cynics can upset a whole city; a group of sages can calm everyone down.
(Proverbs 29:8 HCSB) Mockers inflame a city, but the wise turn away anger.
Just keep in mind when they hold rallies in town, and even if you agree with some of their opinions, the “scoffer” is not the “wise” person in the picture.
They just set things on fire.

:9 If a wise man contends with a foolish man, Whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace.

(Proverbs 29:9 NLT) If a wise person takes a fool to court, there will be ranting and ridicule but no satisfaction.

This is almost a follow up on the previous verse.

I wonder if sometimes it isn’t better to just walk away.

:10 The bloodthirsty hate the blameless, But the upright seek his well-being.

(Proverbs 29:10 The Message) Murderers hate honest people; moral folks encourage them.

:11 A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.

:11 A fool vents all his feelings



(Proverbs 29:11 The Message) A fool lets it all hang out; a sage quietly mulls it over.
Some people wear their emotions on their sleeves. You always know what they’re “feeling”.
Perhaps there is some wisdom in being able to have a little bit of self-control when it comes to our feelings.
A seaman meets a pirate in a Starbucks, and talk turns to their adventures on the sea. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg-leg, a hook, and an eye patch. The seaman asks “So, how did you end up with the peg-leg?” The pirate replies “We were in a storm at sea, and I was swept overboard into a school of sharks. Just as me men were pulling me out, a shark bit me leg off” “Wow!” said the seaman. “What about your hook”? “Well...”, replied the pirate, “We were boarding an enemy ship and were battling the other sailors with swords. One of the enemy cut me hand off.” “Incredible!” remarked the seaman. “How did you get the eyepatch”? “A seagull dropping fell into me eye”, replied the pirate. “You lost your eye to a seagull dropping?” the sailor asked incredulously. “Well...”, said the pirate, “...it was me first day with the hook.”

If you don’t learn self-control, you can hurt yourself.

:12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked.

:12 If a ruler pays attention to lies

(Proverbs 29:12 NLT) If a ruler pays attention to liars, all his advisers will be wicked.

In other words, if a ruler takes the advice of liars, then those closest to him will see it and feel like they have nothing to lose by lying to him.

I wonder if this doesn’t touch on the idea of “fake news”?

As long as you and I aren’t doing our homework and screening what it is we’re paying attention to, we give the folks who put out the “fake news” a reason to keep deceiving.

:13 The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives light to the eyes of both.

:13 The poor man and the oppressor

There is a sense in which all of mankind are children of God.  He made all of us.  He gave light to all of us.

The question is, what are you going to do with the light God has given to you?

Are you going to abuse others, or take care of them?

:14 The king who judges the poor with truth, His throne will be established forever.

(Proverbs 29:14 The Message) Leadership gains authority and respect when the voiceless poor are treated fairly.

The poor are those who can’t stick up for themselves. They can’t influence you with gifts. They can’t hire expensive lawyers.

Good leaders are those who take care of those who can’t defend themselves.

:15 The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.

:15 The rod and rebuke give wisdom

rebuketowkechah – rebuke, correction

rodshebet – rod, staff, branch.

One explains “why”, the other causes an “ouch”

It doesn’t have to be a physical spanking, but something that gets the child’s attention that you are serious about your words.

Good discipline of children involves both instruction (rebuke) and consequences (the rod).

Each kid is different when it comes to the “rod”.
Some kids respond to a careful spanking. 
Others respond to a time out. 
Others to removal of privileges.

You are the parent have to figure out what works with your kid.

When a child isn’t disciplined, they’ve been left “to himself”. Kids don’t raise themselves. Parents raise kids.

After divorce, when children are being raised in two different households, this is difficult. Each household might have different standards, and guess which one the child will prefer? The easier one.

You have to work overtime as parents to be raising your kids in a unified fashion.

:16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases; But the righteous will see their fall.

are multipliedrabah – be or become great, be or become many, be or become much, be or become numerous

It might be talking about there being more wicked people. It makes more sense though when you think of wicked people gaining power and becoming “great”.

In the end, God wins.

:17 Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.

:17 Correct your son, and he will give you rest

correctyacar – to chasten, discipline, instruct, admonish

restnuwach – (Hiph) to cause to rest, give rest to, make quiet

delightma‘adan – dainty (food), delight

(Proverbs 29:17 The Message) Discipline your children; you’ll be glad you did— they’ll turn out delightful to live with.

One of the reasons we might not discipline our children is because the trouble of it all wears us down.
Your child gets angry at you.
You don’t like the idea they are angry at you.
When a child gets the idea that their temper tantrum or rebellion is going to control you, they won’t give up.
You have to look past the trouble of discipline and look towards the goal.
Disciplined kids are indeed a great delight.

:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law.

:18 Where there is no revelation

The Old KJV here is:

(Proverbs 29:18 AV) Where there is no vision, the people perish…
Over the years lots has been said about the important of “vision”.
Some will use this verse and talk about how important it is for leaders to have a “vision” or idea of where their ministry or company is going.
If the people being led aren’t aware of the leader’s “vision”, then things don’t go well.

I think there’s a lot of truth to those ideas, but I’m not sure that’s what this verse is talking about.

revelationchazown – vision; night vision; oracle, prophecy

The word is about God speaking through a prophet.
It’s not the leader’s vision the people need, but God’s Word.

Don’t forget the principles of Hebrew poetry we’ve talked about – comparing and contrasting ideas.  Compare the first line to the second line.

“Revelation” is compared or explained by “the law”.
In other words, when people aren’t guided by God’s Word (revelation, law), then they start to wander.
It’s important that we learn to lead our lives according to what God says, and not by what we think is right.
We might need “visionary” leaders, but we need God’s Word even more.

cast off restraintpara‘– (Niphal) to be let loose, be loosened of restraint (not the idea of perishing by going to hell)

:19 A servant will not be corrected by mere words; For though he understands, he will not respond.

:19 A servant will not be corrected by mere words

Today we don’t have “servants” anymore in the technical sense, we have bosses and employees.

(Proverbs 29:19 The Message) It takes more than talk to keep workers in line; mere words go in one ear and out the other.

As a boss, there are times you have to back up your words with action, consequences, just like you do with children.
When all a boss does is threaten his employees, but never follows through, then the threats get louder and louder, employees still don’t pay attention, and everyone is miserable.

:20 Do you see a man hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

:20 a man hasty in his words

This is a parallel idea to vs. 11 –

(Proverbs 29:11 The Message) A fool lets it all hang out; a sage quietly mulls it over.

Learn to hold your words back a bit.  At least for a few seconds.

Once you’ve said something, you can’t get it back.

The Gossiper
A woman repeated a bit of gossip about a neighbor. Within a few days the whole community knew the story. The person it concerned was deeply hurt and offended. Later the woman responsible for spreading the rumor learned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old sage to find out what she could do to repair the damage. “Go to the marketplace,” he said, “and purchase a chicken, and have it killed. Then on your way home, pluck its feathers and drop them one by one along the road.” Although surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told. The next day the wise man said, “Now go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me.” The woman followed the same road, but to her dismay, the wind had blown the feathers all away. After searching for hours, she returned with only three in her hand. “You see,” said the old sage, “it’s easy to drop them, but it’s impossible to get them back. So it is with gossip. It doesn’t take much to spread a rumor, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.”

Author Unknown, Submitted by Helen Hazinski from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

Copyright 1997 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Kimberly Kirberger

:21 He who pampers his servant from childhood Will have him as a son in the end.

pamperspanaq – (Piel) to indulge, pamper, bring up, treat delicately

have him as a sonmanown – grief, progeny, thankless one; meaning uncertain

fromnuwn – continue, to increase, propagate

:21 He who pampers his servant

Again, the “servant” is an employee.

The translation “as a son” is a little off.

It is translating an obscure word that is only used once in the entire Old Testament. That word comes from a word that means “to increase”.

The HCSB handles it this way:

(Proverbs 29:21 HCSB) A slave pampered from his youth will become arrogant later on.

I like what Eugene Peterson does with it here:

(Proverbs 29:21 The Message) If you let people treat you like a doormat, you’ll be quite forgotten in the end.

Be cautious about how you treat your employees.  You may want to be known as the “nice boss”, but going too far can create problems.

:22 An angry man stirs up strife, And a furious man abounds in transgression.

:22 An angry man stirs up strife


Anger management

The phrase “furious man” could be literally translated, “Lord of rage”
furiouschemah – heat, rage, hot displeasure, indignation, anger
manba’al – owner, husband, lord
(Proverbs 29:22 NLT) An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin.
Those of us with anger problems can tell ourselves that it’s really not all that bad.
In fact, maybe at times it’s kind of cute.
Video:  Muppet Movie – Animal Anger Management
In reality, our anger does much damage.
We can tell ourselves that we are angry with “righteous anger”, but that’s a pretty difficult thing to do if you’re not God.
James wrote,

(James 1:20 NKJV) for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Last week Deb and I saw the “Paul the Apostle” movie.
It’s what you’d call an historical fiction movie.

Much of the main outline of the movie is based on actual historical events, but the plot details and dialogue are imagined of what life was like for Paul in his final days.

I liked that it set the tone for our Thursday evening study in 2Timothy, which was written during those days of Paul.

In this next clip, the church is beginning to suffer heavy persecution in Rome while Paul himself is in prison. In the video clip, some want to revolt and kill their Roman oppressors.  Luke speaks up (Luke is the guy that looks like Jesus…)

Video:  Paul the Apostle – Love is the only way

Yet later, when Luke himself is in Paul’s prison cell, Luke begins to doubt this “love” thing.

Video:  Paul the Apostle– Write It Down

Instead of getting better at getting angry, we ought to get better at learning to love like Jesus.